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Smart farm

smart farm 

What is Smart farm?

            Smart farm is an innovation that encourages farmers and entrepreneurs to use more agricultural innovations. To lead to increase productivity and develop the agricultural sector to be sustainable in the future The interesting details about smart farms are as follows:

เครื่อง Temp controller 

Smart Farm or Smart Agriculture It is a new model of farming that will make farming more immune to climate change. by bringing information of climate at both sub-area levels (Microclimate), farm level (Mesoclimate) and macro level. 


(Macroclimate) to be used in management take care of the farmland to comply with the weather conditions that occur including being prepared to deal with the changing weather conditions in the future by being dubbed Precision agriculture or precision agriculture, which is very popular in the United States, Australia and began to spread in many countries, including Europe, Japan, Malaysia and India.

Temp climate controller


The main idea of Smart Farm is the application of electronic and computer technology. including information and communication technology in the development of the entire supply chain (Supply chain) of the production process of agricultural products to consumers to improve production quality, reduce costs, as well as develop product standards Smart Farm is an effort to enhance the development of agriculture in four important areas:


(1) Cost reduction in the production process

(2) Increasing the quality of production standards and product standards

(3) Risk reduction in the agricultural sector caused by pest outbreaks and natural disasters

(4) Knowledge management and transmission by applying information technology from research to practical development and giving importance to the use of information technology among farmers The technologies used in smart farming are:

TEMP Controller


Remote Sensing or remote sensing technology It is a tool used to collect space data. by relying on light waves in different wavelengths and electromagnetic waves such as radar, microwaves, radios, etc. These sensors are usually mounted on aircraft or satellites.


Proximal Sensing or near-field sensing technology relying on sensors to measure various data directly in the point of interest such as Weather Station, Soil Sensor, Plant Disease Sensor, Yield Monitoring Sensor, etc. These sensors can be placed in a wireless network ( Wireless Sensor Network) to be installed or released in farm areas. To store various information, including soil moisture, temperature, light, and chemicals.


Variable Rate Technology (VRT) or Technology for applying fertilizers, water, and pesticides according to different conditions of the area. It is often used in conjunction with GPS technology.


Crop Models and Decision Support System (DSS) is a technology that integrates all of the above technologies. It can be used to decide what to do with the farm, when and how, as well as to predict the production.

Temp controller

Doing smart farms in Thailand may be limited. Because some technology systems are still not effective, such as GPS and GIS systems require a high investment. including farmers who lack expertise in using tools


But when the world enters the physical, social changes, as well as the body of knowledge, information, and information that are exchanged and transmitted rapidly throughout every region. Thai farmers therefore need to adjust themselves according to their lifestyles, exposure, learning, 


     information. In order to bring yourself to become a quality farmer (Smart farmer) according to the policy and operating guidelines of the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives that Developing farmers to be Smart Farmers




A smart, friendly, and cost-effective choice.

Whether you are raising poultry, pigs or other livestock and agriculture. Let our wide range of products help you achieve higher productivity. with lower cost and systematic farming

Temp climate controller


Climate controllers used in animal husbandry (Climate Controller) and heaters used in industrial agriculture, such as cultivation in greenhouses (Greenhouse) and raising animals in air-conditioned greenhouses (Evaporative Greenhouse), which is known. widely used in smart farming systems or Smart Farming





smart farm 

What is Smart farm ?

            Smart farm is an innovation that encourages farmers and entrepreneurs to use more agricultural innovations. To lead to increase productivity and develop the agricultural sector to be sustainable in the future The interesting details about smart farms are as follows:
เครื่อง Temp controller 
Smart Farm or Smart Agriculture It is a new model of farming that will make farming more immune to climate change. by bringing information of climate at both sub-area levels (Microclimate), farm level (Mesoclimate) and macro level. 
(Macroclimate) to be used in management take care of the farmland to comply with the weather conditions that occur including being prepared to deal with the changing weather conditions in the future by being dubbed Precision agriculture or precision agriculture, which is very popular in the United States, Australia and began to spread in many countries, including Europe, Japan, Malaysia and India.
Temp climate controller
The main idea of Smart Farm is the application of electronic and computer technology. including information and communication technology in the development of the entire supply chain (Supply chain) of the production process of agricultural products to consumers to improve production quality, reduce costs, as well as develop product standards Smart Farm is an effort to enhance the development of agriculture in four important areas:
(1) Cost reduction in the production process
(2) Increasing the quality of production standards and product standards
(3) Risk reduction in the agricultural sector caused by pest outbreaks and natural disasters
(4) Knowledge management and transmission by applying information technology from research to practical development and giving importance to the use of information technology among farmers The technologies used in smart farming are:
TEMP Controller
Remote Sensing or remote sensing technology It is a tool used to collect space data. by relying on light waves in different wavelengths and electromagnetic waves such as radar, microwaves, radios, etc. These sensors are usually mounted on aircraft or satellites.
Proximal Sensing or near-field sensing technology relying on sensors to measure various data directly in the point of interest such as Weather Station, Soil Sensor, Plant Disease Sensor, Yield Monitoring Sensor, etc. These sensors can be placed in a wireless network ( Wireless Sensor Network) to be installed or released in farm areas. To store various information, including soil moisture, temperature, light, and chemicals.
Variable Rate Technology (VRT) or Technology for applying fertilizers, water, and pesticides according to different conditions of the area. It is often used in conjunction with GPS technology.
Crop Models and Decision Support System (DSS) is a technology that integrates all of the above technologies. It can be used to decide what to do with the farm, when and how, as well as to predict the production.
Temp controller
Doing smart farms in Thailand may be limited. Because some technology systems are still not effective, such as GPS and GIS systems require a high investment. including farmers who lack expertise in using tools
But when the world enters the physical, social changes, as well as the body of knowledge, information, and information that are exchanged and transmitted rapidly throughout every region. Thai farmers therefore need to adjust themselves according to their lifestyles, exposure, learning, 
     information. In order to bring yourself to become a quality farmer (Smart farmer) according to the policy and operating guidelines of the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives that Developing farmers to be Smart Farmers
A smart, friendly, and cost-effective choice.
Whether you are raising poultry, pigs or other livestock and agriculture. Let our wide range of products help you achieve higher productivity. with lower cost and systematic farming
Temp climate controller
Climate controllers used in animal husbandry (Climate Controller) and heaters used in industrial agriculture, such as cultivation in greenhouses (Greenhouse) and raising animals in air-conditioned greenhouses (Evaporative Greenhouse), which is known. widely used in smart farming systems or Smart Farming
smart farm 
What is Smart farm ?
            Smart farm is an innovation that encourages farmers and entrepreneurs to use more agricultural innovations. To lead to increase productivity and develop the agricultural sector to be sustainable in the future The interesting details about smart farms are as follows:
เครื่อง Temp controller 
Smart Farm or Smart Agriculture It is a new model of farming that will make farming more immune to climate change. by bringing information of climate at both sub-area levels (Microclimate), farm level (Mesoclimate) and macro level. 
(Macroclimate) to be used in management take care of the farmland to comply with the weather conditions that occur including being prepared to deal with the changing weather conditions in the future by being dubbed Precision agriculture or precision agriculture, which is very popular in the United States, Australia and began to spread in many countries, including Europe, Japan, Malaysia and India.
Temp climate controller
The main idea of Smart Farm is the application of electronic and computer technology. including information and communication technology in the development of the entire supply chain (Supply chain) of the production process of agricultural products to consumers to improve production quality, reduce costs, as well as develop product standards Smart Farm is an effort to enhance the development of agriculture in four important areas:
(1) Cost reduction in the production process
(2) Increasing the quality of production standards and product standards
(3) Risk reduction in the agricultural sector caused by pest outbreaks and natural disasters
(4) Knowledge management and transmission by applying information technology from research to practical development and giving importance to the use of information technology among farmers The technologies used in smart farming are:
TEMP Controller
Remote Sensing or remote sensing technology It is a tool used to collect space data. by relying on light waves in different wavelengths and electromagnetic waves such as radar, microwaves, radios, etc. These sensors are usually mounted on aircraft or satellites.
Proximal Sensing or near-field sensing technology relying on sensors to measure various data directly in the point of interest such as Weather Station, Soil Sensor, Plant Disease Sensor, Yield Monitoring Sensor, etc. These sensors can be placed in a wireless network ( Wireless Sensor Network) to be installed or released in farm areas. To store various information, including soil moisture, temperature, light, and chemicals.
Variable Rate Technology (VRT) or Technology for applying fertilizers, water, and pesticides according to different conditions of the area. It is often used in conjunction with GPS technology.
Crop Models and Decision Support System (DSS) is a technology that integrates all of the above technologies. It can be used to decide what to do with the farm, when and how, as well as to predict the production.
Temp controller
Doing smart farms in Thailand may be limited. Because some technology systems are still not effective, such as GPS and GIS systems require a high investment. including farmers who lack expertise in using tools
But when the world enters the physical, social changes, as well as the body of knowledge, information, and information that are exchanged and transmitted rapidly throughout every region. Thai farmers therefore need to adjust themselves according to their lifestyles, exposure, learning, 
     information. In order to bring yourself to become a quality farmer (Smart farmer) according to the policy and operating guidelines of the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives that Developing farmers to be Smart Farmers
A smart, friendly, and cost-effective choice.
Whether you are raising poultry, pigs or other livestock and agriculture. Let our wide range of products help you achieve higher productivity. with lower cost and systematic farming
Temp climate controller
Climate controllers used in animal husbandry (Climate Controller) and heaters used in industrial agriculture, such as cultivation in greenhouses (Greenhouse) and raising animals in air-conditioned greenhouses (Evaporative Greenhouse), which is known. widely used in smart farming systems or Smart Farming
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