Duck Egg Food
Duck egg food In a situation where feed raw materials are more expensive. Therefore, it directly affects the cost of formulation of animal feed, especially the poultry that provides the necessary eggs. It is extremely important to get complete, complete and sufficient nutrients for egg production. Especially the breed that gives eggs. the more cheap The body will need additional nutrients.
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The nutrients that will be discussed in this article are
protein and energy If the body of the laying duck gets food Each day is not enough Especially during the peak period or during the period that gives the maximum amount of eggs, the body of the duck will have a special mechanism to force it to pull.
Remove protein from the muscles, accumulated fat and minerals from own bones Let’s make eggs and eggshells. If the party lacks a correct understanding of nature of poultry during egg laying Poor nutrition, insufficient feed, the body will begin to deteriorate There are stress conditions, egg reduction, egg stop, and premature shedding.
Life expectancy is shortened. When the raiser gets a few eggs Not worth the food Most farmers need to release the mother ducks prematurely even though they have only been rearing for a few months. become a cost Automatic high breed Because still can’t use the mother duck Worth the investment to buy ”
It is comparable to a heavy-duty engine, but lacks maintenance. never change photo Engine oil (afraid of wasting, using only), the service life will be shorter than the engine that has been maintained. and check the condition by distance So are the laying ducks.” The gross energy that the animal receives from Eating food will be used. for livelihood, growth, reproduction and productivity
(meat, milk and eggs, etc., depending on the type and age of the animal)
If our pets get a lot of energy from food. (imbalance) in addition to the cost food will be higher then The remaining energy when the body does not use it all will be stored in the form of fat (fat ducks but not fertile eggs = wasted). Therefore, it directly affects the cost of formulation of animal feed, especially the poultry that provides the necessary eggs. Especially to get complete nutrition. and sufficient for egg production Especially the breed that gives eggs. the more cheap The body will have a need for more nutrients only. The nutrients that will be discussed in this article are protein and energy.
If the body of the laying duck gets food Each day is not enough Especially during the peak period or during the period that gives the maximum amount of eggs, the body of the duck will have a special mechanism to force it to pull.
Remove protein from the muscles, accumulated fat and minerals from own bones Let’s make eggs and eggshells. In the past, farmers, especially small farmers Often try to come up with a recipe
(mix it yourself) to try to reduce the cost of food as low as possible.
But still expecting the duck to lay eggs as before, believing that any raw material can be used. Mix in feed for ducks to eat. Just enough to be full, such as how to reduce the portion of ready-to-eat food. then replace it with Mix paddy rice, broken rice, yeast fermented potato residue.
Yeast fermented soybean meal, etc. (Fermentation in this way will contain urea as an ingredient. which is toxic to monogastric animals, therefore not recommended Because the duck will have diarrhea), which these raw materials are classified as starchy foods or carbohydrates and will be converted into energy accordingly. digestibility (digestibility) if supplemented with raw materials that provide an inappropriate level of energy (high energy).
will eat less food. Which, of course, will get protein. in food is reduced according to intake, resulting in Effect on egg production (1st bounce) but if in formula low energy Naturally, ducks will eat more food. to be sufficient for the needs of the body (The more fertile eggs, the more they eat), but most people tend to measure food.
Eat the same amount every day. make laying ducks get nutrients That’s not enough. At this point, the party must Keep an eye on and pay close attention. If you find that the food runs out quickly and you are not satisfied, it is necessary to pour more food.
Because if there is a lack of food at any time, it will affect Directly to egg production (2nd bounce). Ducks that do not get enough food will not produce as consistently as they should.
The author therefore recommends the use of 100% ready-to-eat food because at least every recipe has been calculated. To have a complete nutrient level, both macronutrients (Marconutrition), which consists of protein, fat and carbohydrates) and micro-nutrients (micro nutrition), which consists of vitamins and minerals in a balanced manner.
The amount of food is not the same. depending on yield